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  • Характеристики
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Характеристика Значение
Толщина 50 мм
Плотность 13 кг/м³
Теплопроводность при 10°С 41 Вт/(м*K)
Теплопроводность при 25°С 0.044 Вт/(м*K)
Группа горючести НГ

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The prevalence of self- reported penicillin allergy is high, at 10 to 15 among hospitalized patients, and because the diagnosis is often not substantiated by further testing, the use of suboptimal antibiotics contributes to worsening antibiotic resistance and increased health care costs. doxycycline tooth infection RNA interference RNAi is a powerful genetic tool for loss- of- function studies in mammalian cells and is also considered a potentially powerful therapeutic modality for the treatment of a variety of human diseases.

The prevalence of self- reported penicillin allergy is high, at 10 to 15 among hospitalized patients, and because the diagnosis is often not substantiated by further testing, the use of suboptimal antibiotics contributes to worsening antibiotic resistance and increased health care costs. doxycycline tooth infection RNA interference RNAi is a powerful genetic tool for loss- of- function studies in mammalian cells and is also considered a potentially powerful therapeutic modality for the treatment of a variety of human diseases.

The prevalence of self- reported penicillin allergy is high, at 10 to 15 among hospitalized patients, and because the diagnosis is often not substantiated by further testing, the use of suboptimal antibiotics contributes to worsening antibiotic resistance and increased health care costs. doxycycline tooth infection RNA interference RNAi is a powerful genetic tool for loss- of- function studies in mammalian cells and is also considered a potentially powerful therapeutic modality for the treatment of a variety of human diseases.


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