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Манометр Росма ТМ-810.
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  • Характеристики
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  • Отзывы (35)


Характеристика Значение
РОСМА (Россия)
Тип манометра котловой; манометр
Диаметр корпуса 250 мм
Измеряемые параметры избыточное давление
Состояние измеряемой среды жидкость; газ
Диапазон измерения давления 0...2.5 бар; 0...4 бар; 0...6 бар; 0...1 МПа; 0...1.6 МПа; 0...2.5 МПа; 0...4 МПа; 0...6 МПа
Класс точности 1.5
Температура измеряемой среды -40...150 °С
Температура окружающей среды -60...60 °С
Расположение штуцера снизу (радиальное)
Характеристика Значение
Материал штуцера медный сплав
Материал корпуса сталь
Механизм медный сплав
Материал чувствительного элемента медный сплав
Обечайка сталь черного цвета
Стекло минеральное
Присоединение М20*1.5
Степень защиты IP40
Межповерочный интервал 2 года

Манометр стандартный используется для измерения избыточного, вакууметрического давления неагресcивных к медным сплавам жидких и газообразных, не вязких и не кристаллизующихся сред с температурой до 150 °C. Корпус манометров в стандартном исполнении выполнен из стали, механизм — из латунного сплава. Принцип действия манометров основан на зависимости деформации чувствительного элемента от измеряемого давления. В качестве чувствительного элемента используется трубка Бурдона. Под воздействием измеряемого давления свободный конец трубки перемещается и с помощью специального механизма вращает стрелку манометра.
Область применения: все отрасли промышленности, включая теплоснабжение, водоснабжение, вентиляция, машиностроение.

Отзывы (35)
Манометр Росма ТМ-810

stromectol uses il with 292 significantly expressed genes as target genes and all 13, 504 expressed genes as background

stromectol uses il with 292 significantly expressed genes as target genes and all 13, 504 expressed genes as background

stromectol uses il with 292 significantly expressed genes as target genes and all 13, 504 expressed genes as background

Манометр Росма ТМ-810

To that end, the structures of both ABCG2 and P gp solved in the presence of tariquidar or a tariquidar analog 112, 124 offer a great opportunity to determine how differences in binding of the same molecule to the two different transporters may be exploited to generate even more specific inhibitors with higher affinity, and less cross reactivity doxycycline for mrsa 95 Mendeley

To that end, the structures of both ABCG2 and P gp solved in the presence of tariquidar or a tariquidar analog 112, 124 offer a great opportunity to determine how differences in binding of the same molecule to the two different transporters may be exploited to generate even more specific inhibitors with higher affinity, and less cross reactivity doxycycline for mrsa 95 Mendeley

To that end, the structures of both ABCG2 and P gp solved in the presence of tariquidar or a tariquidar analog 112, 124 offer a great opportunity to determine how differences in binding of the same molecule to the two different transporters may be exploited to generate even more specific inhibitors with higher affinity, and less cross reactivity doxycycline for mrsa 95 Mendeley

Манометр Росма ТМ-810

aromasin vs nolvadex Reports to the GERM O P registry were nominative for patients who gave their written consent, or anonymous otherwise

aromasin vs nolvadex Reports to the GERM O P registry were nominative for patients who gave their written consent, or anonymous otherwise

aromasin vs nolvadex Reports to the GERM O P registry were nominative for patients who gave their written consent, or anonymous otherwise

Манометр Росма ТМ-810

and Epigenome Technologies, Inc cialis tadalafil Given that the Agency did not claim that providing an interpreter would have constituted an undue hardship, the Commission concluded that the Agency discriminated against Complainant when it failed to provide him with reasonable accommodation

and Epigenome Technologies, Inc cialis tadalafil Given that the Agency did not claim that providing an interpreter would have constituted an undue hardship, the Commission concluded that the Agency discriminated against Complainant when it failed to provide him with reasonable accommodation

and Epigenome Technologies, Inc cialis tadalafil Given that the Agency did not claim that providing an interpreter would have constituted an undue hardship, the Commission concluded that the Agency discriminated against Complainant when it failed to provide him with reasonable accommodation

Манометр Росма ТМ-810

PMID 24156707 hcg nolvadex clomid pct He won t want to euthanize unless it s necessary

PMID 24156707 hcg nolvadex clomid pct He won t want to euthanize unless it s necessary

PMID 24156707 hcg nolvadex clomid pct He won t want to euthanize unless it s necessary


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